
The biggest obstacle in enjoying life ‘as it is’ lies in our mind and its habit patterns. The practice of Yoga, as exposed by Patanjali, gives us the tools to free ourselves from the conditioning and habituation of mind so we can return to our natural peaceful state and experience fully the beauty of life.
'Yoga science does not tell you what to do and what not to do, but teaches you how to be’.
Swami Rama

Yoga Asana Courses & Classes 2024:
July & August
Yoga Foundations and Body Alignment
5 day courses at the Himalayan Iyengar Yoga Centre
Dharamkot, India
course flier
In my journey along the path of Yoga, I've encountered various teachers and methodologies. However, it wasn’t until studying and assisting Sharat Arora, a direct student of BKS Iyengar, that I witnessed firsthand the profound healing effects of correct Asanas. This therapeutic approach integrates Patanjali’s Ashtanga Yoga in a practical way, fostering not only physical balance and harmony but also extending to mental well-being.
With Yoga going mainstream, this focus has fallen at the background of gymnastic/circus-like physical postures and exercises boasting flexibility and strength. I don’t mean to say that there is anything wrong in exercising for strength or flexibility, but that has never been the purpose of Yoga practice. In fact, Yoga Asana (postures) are a useful technology which, when practiced correctly, can dissolve obstacles in accessing deeper aspects of self.
After guiding hundreds of students through countless courses while serving at his Yoga center, I've gained insights into my own body and mind, as well as those of others. While I acknowledge there's still much to learn, I'm dedicated to sharing what I do know as I continue exploring the path.
Nothing brings me greater joy than assisting others in reconnecting with their innate relaxed and peaceful nature while taking care of physical limitations in a practical and safe manner.
If you would like personal guidance or more information on exploring the path of Yoga do not hesitate and contact me using the link.

Restorative Yoga Asana
Drop-In Classes at the Himalayan Iyengar Yoga Centre
Dharamkot, India
class flier
October - December
Mindful Alignment Yoga Asana
Drop-In Classes at Umbrella Yoga Healing Centre
Pokhara, Nepal